Aviation and Airport Activities:
This committee provides a vehicle for Committee for Dulles members to engage with, in a small group environment, staff and executives of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, representatives of the airlines, and other airport-related organizations and businesses. The Airport Activities Committee works to keep the Committee for Dulles up-to-date on changes at the airport and issues that impact passengers, airline services, cargo, security and the like.
Communications Committee:
This committee promotes Committee for Dulles and communicates with the membership and general public. The Committee manages the CFD's social media activities on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, drafts and issues media releases and statements, and maintains the CFD website.
International Commitee:
This committee monitors international economic development and cultural events that may promote and expand business and cultural opportunities for CFD members. The committee also holds quarterly lunches and other cultural activities.
The Legislative & Economic Development Committee:
This committee monitors economic development activities, transportation issues, and any governmental legislation or land use applications that may affect the growth and economic vitality of Dulles Airport and its environs.
Membership Committee:
This committee works with the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors to oversee membership growth, retention of members, and nominations for the Board of Directors.
Programs Committee:
This committee plans, promotes, and coordinates Committee for Dulles events, including the annual gala, luncheons, mixers and other Committee for Dulles social events.